
EyeCare About Vegas is Open & Offering Appointments!
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the safety and well-being of our patients, staff and doctors is our first priority. Our team will continue to go above and beyond the expectations for optometry practices so that everyone who enters our practice will feel safe. We are sure that you are well aware of the concerns about COVID-19, and we would like you to know the steps we are taking. These measures include, but are not limited to:

Practice Social Distancing

We Disinfect Well & Often

We Offer Curbside Delivery

Call Us With Any Questions
An Expectations Checklist—For All of Us

Precautions You should Be Taking
- ALL patient encounters will be by appointment. Walk-ins will not be allowed.
- All patients must complete a COVID-19 questionnaire upon arrival at the practice.
- No paperwork – appointments now require that the paperwork be completed ahead of time through the links above or that will be sent via text message/email.
- We ask that you arrive at your appointment alone unless you are a minor and require adult supervision then we will allow one caregiver inside with the child.
- Patients may be asked to wait in their car for their appointment, depending on how many people are in the practice at any given time
- We ask that upon entering our clinic, that you immediately wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer
- We may ask you to leave the office if you show flu-like signs, cold/fever, or coughing
- Staff will not shake hands with any of our patients. Please don’t take it personally. 🙂
- We will be practicing safe distancing within the clinic and we ask that you do your best to keep a minimum of 6 feet between you and other patients.
- Coming out to your car to dispense glasses and contact lenses (curbside pickup)

Steps Our Practice is Taking
- Appointment times will be spaced further apart to ensure social distancing.
- Hand sanitation stations are available at the entrance and throughout the practice
- Each pre-testing and examination rooms are disinfected after every patient exam, including all surfaces, instrumentation, door handles, and equipment.
- We will disinfect frames after a patient has contact with them.
- Regularly cleaning and disinfecting railings, door handles, counters, reception room areas, and all spaces where public interaction occurs.
- Limiting the number of patients in the office or any area at one time
- The exam room and pretesting instruments will be disinfected after every patient.
- We will be aware of common “touch points” within the clinic such as doorknobs, counters, keyboard, phones, credit card machines, pens, etc… and will be disinfecting these as often as possible
- All reading material has been removed from the waiting area.
- Pens will be sanitized after each use by a patient.
- Deep cleaning at the end of each day.